Thomas Cho
We believed we had an innovative product and technology that could blow everyone’s mind, something the world had never seen before. People around us would comment with candy for the ear like, “This is going to be big,” or…
Daniel Weisman
Donna was absolutely fantastic! She gave us really meaningful and insightful feedback that really helped us bring out our company and brand story.
Jae Hak Kim
Working together, I have become convinced that she is one of the industry’s leading experts in this field.Her feedback is passionate, clear, inspiring, and compelling. That’s why all the participating companies worked very hard. I loved…
Michael Caplovitz
Donna is the best storyteller in the business. You will accomplish more in an hour than you would in aweek with others. I was told by several large investors that the deck is a “master class” in deck writing. The flow and story was…
Robert Costa
I put on Free weekly virtual sessions dedicated to job seekers and people in transition with interview practice with instant feedback. Open to all and sponsored as a public service by the Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Toastmasters Club.